Do forgive me for bothering you again, but I simply had to see you today - I want you to hear my side of the story, from beginning to end. Are you sure you don't mind? I know how busy you are with your own writing, and if I go into every last detail it might take forever! Really, I only wish I could put it all down on paper, like one of your novels, and ask you to read it... The truth is, the other day I tried to start writing, but what happened is so complicated I didn't know where to begin. So I thought I'd just have to talk it out, and that's why I'm here. But then, I hate to let you waste your precious time for my sake. Are you quite sure it's all right? You've always been so sweet to me I'm afraid I'm taking advantage of your kindness, and after everything you've put up with... I can't thank you enough.

Well, I suppose I ought to start with that man I used to talk so much about. As I told you before, what you said made me think the whole thing over, and I finally broke off with him. Still, I must have felt a strong attachment. Even at home I'd get almost hysterical when anything brought him to mind. But before it began to dawn on me that the man was worthless... My husband noticed I'd changed completely since I began consulting you. Instead of always rushing off, telling him I was going to a concert or something, I would stay in all day painting or practicing the piano.

"You're being more feminine lately," he used to say. I could see he was pleased by your concern.

But I have to admit I never said a word to him about the other man.

Quicksand, Junichiro Tanizaki